FordTrucks Bodybuilder Portal

a) Which personal data does our Company process and for which purposes?
b) To whom and which purposes will our Company transfer your personal data?
c) Which methods and legal reasons does our Company obtain your personal data
d) Rights of the Data Subject under Article 11 of the Law

Ford Otomotiv Sanayi Anonim Şirketi (“Ford Otosan” or the “Company”) attributes great importance to the safe and transparent processing of your personal data in accordance with the law and good faith, and this Privacy Notice is prepared for explaining how and for which purposes your personal data is processed and how you can manage your preferences/ rights in this regard.
Below, you may find the information regarding your rights, the processing and transferring purposes of your personal data by the data controller, Ford Otosan, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("Law") within the scope of Ford Trucks Bodybuilder Web Portal (“Portal”).

a) Which personal data does our Company process and for which purposes?

Your personal data (“Personal Data”) obtained in line with the Article 5 and 6 of the Law are processed in a limited and measured manner, in connection with the processing purposes set out below:

Within the Scope of the Portal

Your identity information (name-surname), your contact information (phone, e-mail), occupational information (title, name of the dealer where you work.), your system security information (log records, user information) are transferred within the scope of portal and with the processing purposes set out below:
- Evaluating the information received from users and sharing the pages and confidential information available on the Portal,
- Deciding which role can be assigned to the user and instructing accordingly.

Management and compliance activities

Your personal data is processed for the following purposes within the scope of business and management activities for the provision of the above-mentioned services and acting in accordance with the applicable legislation.
- Carrying out the storage activities of the personal data collected regarding the above-mentioned activities within the scope of the execution of these processes,
- Conducting information security processes in environments where personal data collected within the scope of the above-mentioned activities are stored,
- Carrying out all the above-mentioned activities in accordance with the current
- Providing information to legally authorized institutions and organizations, following up on legal affairs and exercising our right of defense when necessary.

You may find additional detailed information about the purposes of processing Personal Data by Ford Otosan on its Policy on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data, which has been made available to the public through the web address Compliance Policies | Ford Otosan.

b) To whom and which purposes will our Company transfer your personal data?

All personal data collected as mentioned under this Privacy Notice can be transferred to the following persons and organizations within the framework of the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law:
- Your data is transferred to the supplier company from which we receive services for the development of the Portal.
- Your above-mentioned personal data may be transferred to legally authorized
individuals and organizations, including ministries, courts, enforcement offices, and legally authorized public institutions for the purposes of carrying out activities in accordance with the current legislation, informing legally authorized institutions and organizations, conducting legal affairs and exercising our right to defense when necessary.

c) Which methods and legal reasons does our Company obtain your personal data

All your personal data processed for the purposes mentioned above is obtained (i)
submission by you in person verbally and/or in writing, physically and/or electronically (ii) through filling out information update form, test drive form, information form, service appointment form and contact form etc. available at our company's websites and microsites by you, (iii) by filling in the registration form submitted electronically during your registration to the Portal and (iv) through phone and call center calls you make with our Company, and via SMS, e-mail and other communication means; and/ or provided by you in person during the calls.

Personal data collected by our company for the purposes and methods mentioned above can be processed and transferred based on the following legal reasons within the scope of Article 5 and 6 of the Law:

- Your personal data obtained within the scope of the execution of the above-mentioned activities are processed and transferred to the above-mentioned persons and organizations based on the legal reasons of “establishment and performance of the contract”, “fulfillment of our legal obligations” and “the existence of our legitimate interest”.

- Your personal data, that are processed for the purposes of carrying out the above-mentioned activities in accordance with the current legislation, informing legally authorized institutions and organizations, following legal affairs and exercising our right of defense when necessary, are processed based on legal reasons of "explicitly stipulated in the law", "fulfillment of our legal obligations" and "exercise, establishment of protection of a right" and transferred to the above-mentioned persons and organizations.

d) Rights of the Data Subject under Article 11 of the Law

According to the Article 11 of the Law, data subjects are entitled to the following rights to; 

  • Learn whether or not data relating to him/her are being processed;
  • Request further information if personal data relating to him/her have been processed; 
  •  Learn the purpose of the processing of personal data and whether or not data are being processed in compliance with such purpose; 
  •  Learn the third party recipients to whom the data are disclosed within the country or abroad, 
  •  Request rectification of the processed personal data which is incomplete or inaccurate and to request such process to be notified to third persons to whom personal data is transferred.
  •  Request erasure or destruction of data in the event that the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which the personal data was collected, despite being processed in line with the Law no. 6698 and other applicable laws and to request such process to be notified to third persons to whom personal data is transferred.
  •  Object to negative consequences about him/her that are concluded as a result of analysis of the processed personal data by solely automatic means, 
  • Demand compensation for the damages he/she has suffered as a result of an unlawful processing operation.

As Data Subjects, you can notify your requests regarding your rights to Ford Otosan via the KVK Application Form shared with the public at

Depending on the nature of the request, Ford Otosan will conclude the personal data requests free of charge as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. However, if the request requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged by Ford Otosan in accordance with the relevant legislation.