FordTrucks Bodybuilder Portal

Terms of Use
Terms of Use

1. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all services provided on the Web Site are free of charge.
2. All rights of all written, visual, audio, electronic materials, contents, informations (hereinafter referred to as “INFORMATION”) published on the Web Site and whose copyrights and other intellectual and industrial property rights belong to Ford Motor Company, Ford Otosan, or other third parties are reserved. The inclusion of the INFORMATION on the Web Site cannot be interpreted as granting any authority, license, or permission for their use. INFORMATION cannot be copied, reproduced, or used in any way without the written permission of Ford Otosan. Ford Otosan may grant permissions for the copying of INFORMATION for personal computers for non-professional or commercial purposes, such as wallpapers, screen savers, or promotional films. Any legal liability that may arise as a result of any use that violates intellectual and industrial property rights related to INFORMATION belongs to the User in violation.
3. Users are permitted to access the Web Site for the following purposes, and INFORMATION is not allowed to access and/or use for purposes other than the following.
3.1 In case the User is an employee of Ford Otosan, the purposes of access are:

  3.1.1. Obtaining necessary information for activities carried out in accordance with their assignment at Ford Otosan (such as development, etc.), 
  3.1.2. Accessing the titles and contact information of the Bodybuilders qualified by Ford Otosan.

3.2. In case the User is an authorized user of a person supplying the manufacturing and assembly works required to be carried out on the completed vehicles or incomplete vehicles manufactured by Ford Otosan in order to adapt the vehicles to the specific purpose for which they will be used, and parts, components, and accessories (“Body Upfit”) required to be applied on the vehicle in this context (“Bodybuilder”), the purposes of access are: 

  3.2.1. Ensuring that the Body Upfit works and designs comply with Ford Otosan requirements and are compatible with the vehicle,
  3.2.2. Making modifications permitted in Ford Otosan's published “Tadilat Garanti Bültenleri / Modification Warranty Bulletin / Üstyapı Teknik Kılavuzu / Upfitter Technical Bulletin” to adapt and apply the Body Upfit on the vehicle,
  3.2.3. Obtaining type approval and homologation approvals for completed vehicles with Body Upfits,
  3.2.4. Ford Otosan’ın tavsiyeli Üst Yapıcı Firmalarının unvan ve iletişim bilgilerine ulaşılması.
  3.2.5. Accessing the titles and contact information of the Bodybuilders qualified by Ford Otosan.

3.3. In case the User is an authorized user of a person authorized by Ford Otosan to market and sell Ford-branded vehicles in the Republic of Türkiye (“Dealer”), the purposes of access are:

  3.3.1 Making modifications permitted in Ford Otosan's published “Tadilat Garanti Bültenleri / Modification Warranty Bulletin / Üstyapı Teknik Kılavuzu / Upfitter Technical Bulletin” to adapt and apply the Body Upfit on the vehicle,
  3.3.2. Accessing the titles and contact information of the Bodybuilders qualified by Ford Otosan.

3.4. In case the User is an authorized user of a person authorized by Ford Otosan to market and sell Ford-branded vehicles abroad (outside of the Republic of Türkiye) (“Importer”), the purposes of access are:

  3.4.1. Obtaining type approval and homologation approvals for completed vehicles with Body Upfits,
  3.4.2. Making modifications permitted in Ford Otosan's published “Tadilat Garanti Bültenleri / Modification Warranty Bulletin / Üstyapı Teknik Kılavuzu / Upfitter Technical Bulletin” to adapt and apply the Body Upfit on the vehicle,
  3.4.3. Accessing the titles and contact information of the Bodybuilders qualified by Ford Otosan.

3.5. In case the User is an employee of the software company that develops the Web Site, the purpose of access is:

  3.5.1. Making developments and adjustments on the Web Site as deemed appropriate and/or requested by Ford Otosan.

4. When the User intends to make a transaction by referring to the INFORMATION, it acknowledges that it is responsible for obtaining the final and reliable information from Ford Otosan authorized dealers or Ford Otosan Customer Services. No guarantee or commitment is given regarding the accuracy or up-to-dateness of the information published on the Web Site. The User acknowledges that Ford Otosan has no liability for the transactions it may make based on the INFORMATION.

5. Ford Otosan reserves the right to change or terminate the content of the Web Site and any services provided to Users, at any time at its discretion and to erase user information and data registered in the Ford Otosan Web Site from its systems. Although every precaution has been taken to ensure that the Web Site is error-free, no guarantee is given regarding existing or potential errors on the Web Site.

6. You may find detailed information regarding the information you submitted by filling out the User Registration Form in the Ford Trucks Bodybuilder Web Portal Privacy Notice. In this context, in order to protect the confidentiality of the information you have provided, access to the sections containing your personal information is only possible with a password. It is the User's responsibility to keep the password confidential and to make necessary adjustments in the update sections accessed through this password.

7. Filling the User Registration Form does not grant the User any rights or allow the User to claim any acquired rights regarding any application. If incomplete, incorrect, or invalid information is submitted in the User Registration Form, no claims can be made regarding the opportunities that may be provided as a result of marketing and promotion programs that Ford Otosan and/or its authorized dealers may organize at their own discretion.

8. Although measures have been taken within the scope of available possibilities to ensure that the Website is free from viruses, trojans and similar malware, the User is responsible for providing its own virus protection system and providing the necessary protection in order to ensure ultimate security. In this context, the User acknowledges that it is responsible for any errors that may occur in its own software and operating systems due to their access to the Website and for any direct or indirect consequences thereof.

9. In the event that a competent authority files a criminal complaint or request for an official investigation against the User, and/or if it is determined that the User has committed any electronic sabotage or attack that would prevent or alters the operation of Ford Otosan systems and/or the Web Site, Ford Otosan has the right to terminate the User’s access, investigate the User's identity and notify legal authorities.

10. In any disputes arising between Users and Ford Otosan, the electronic records of Ford Otosan shall constitute evidence. Istanbul Anadolu courts and enforcement offices have exclusive jurisdiction to settle such disputes and the disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Türkiye.

11. Ford Otosan reserves the right to change, renew, or cancel any clause of this Terms of Use without notice. Each provision that is changed, renewed, or canceled shall be effective for all Users as of the publication date.

12. The photos and videos on the Web Site may differ from the equipment features of vehicles to be sold in the Republic of Türkiye and international markets.